Topics: 2014

Hibernate @NotBlank vs @NotEmpty

  Sometimes we may often overlook at the difference between these two useful annotations for Hibernate. @NotBlank versus @NotEmpty. Validate that the annotated string is not null or empty. The difference to NotEmpty is that trailing whitespaces are getting ignored. The answer can be found at Hibernate Doc for @NotBlank :)

Error: Key could not be imported

Do you ever face key could not be imported error during a pacman / yaourt update?

Protected: Prevent concurrent execution using file locking

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

MySQL Profiling

If we ever wondered what’s the performance of a MySQL query and a SELECT query be more efficient (and hence faster)? MySQL has an embedded profiling feature that we can use from stock MySQL. To enable it, it’s pretty simple: mysql> SET profiling = 1;

2014 StanDesk 2200

A blatant rip-off of StanDesk 2200, with a twist of a lower budget.