March 8 (3)

Soooooooo funny!! Yet… so sickening. This is a blog feed from :)

March 8 (2)

Hilarious… genius indeed :) This is a blog feed from :)

March 8 (1)

Something different from mainstream media and alternative media like Malaysiakini and Merdekareview. highlighted an item regarding people advocating religious rights during 2008 General Elections. Among few who raised their concerns, ABIM particularly caught my attention. Here’s Nobita’s 2 cents :) 1. Reject notion of Malaysia as a secular state, including the call to set […]

Good? or Bad?

In the perspective of IT, this is real bad. In the perspective of the country, this is something different. With the midgets fighting against the giants, is this a picture depicting a change among public in searching for something.. different? This is a blog feed from :)